Home Instagram Men How can you say “hi” to a woman in public?

How can you say “hi” to a woman in public?


How can you say “hi” to a woman in public?

Most women appreciate it when a man approaches with good manners, especially because it’s so rare to see.

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard from women in my own city complaining that “men don’t approach here”. They’re not complaining frivolously, they want men to say “hi”.

One reason being that it’s a very assertive thing to do, which is an attractive quality in men. Naysayers either don’t understand attraction or they’re secretly jealous that they can’t do it themselves.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that just by showing up you’re going to be well received. There are so many variables that we don’t have control of when introducing ourselves to women in public.

She may already be taken, be in a bad mood, or just not like you or your approach. You can’t please everyone.

If you do it well you’ll increase the odds in your favor. Many more women will be receptive and any negative responses will be minimal. “Doing it well” in large part comes down to how you’re feeling inside – basically, your confidence.

If you feel great and there’s a rainbow following you everywhere you go, that good feeling is going to be projected to everyone you meet. The same is true if you’re anxiety ridden and don’t feel good.

Confidence is more than just a good feeling though – It’s self proficiency and your belief in yourself to make something work. If you’ve done an approach that worked then you’re much more likely to feel confident about doing it again.

If you’ve never done it then you’re entering the unknown and that presents uncertainty; a big reason why most guys will never try since results are not guaranteed.

A lot of the confidence behind it can be built by chatting up women on a daily basis. This experience is crucial. A few other things that will build confidence for men also include:

Lifting weights


Public speaking

Improv or stand up comedy

Acting classes

Business networking

You can consider those items like cross training.

It makes sense to build confidence in multiple disciplines which intersect because you’ll build yourself as whole man.

How to introduce yourself to a woman in public

Here are the nuts and bolts of introducing yourself.

First, the main things to keep in mind are:

Keep it simple

Approach quickly if you see someone you like

Be direct

Customize your approach

These rules of thumb will keep you from getting too wrapped up in your own thoughts and keep things ‘natural’ so you can have an organic experience, as opposed to something scripted.

When you see her do this:

Say “excuse me” then stop walking right away (if she was walking)

Explain why you approached then give her a simple compliment “I thought you look great and wanted to say hi”

Introduce yourself


That’s the introduction in a nutshell but you can get detailed steps here.

When done properly, you’ll experience a ton of adventures and new relationships which would have never been possible without putting yourself out there.



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